In this Oracle APEX Tutorial, we will explore about the How to Create an Application in Oracle APEX.
As we know that Oracle APEX is a RAD(Rapid Application Development) Tool which means you can develop application very quickly using of Oracle APEX. Oracle APEX knows as a low-code development platform which provides development environment use to create application using graphical interface instead of hand-coded programming.
Here I am sharing few steps to create a database application in Oracle APEX without using any hand-coded programming.
How to Create an Application in Oracle APEX?
Step 1:- Open your Google chrome then open Oracle APEX environment like (http://localhost:8080/apex/f?p=4550:1) then login with your workspace credentials. After the successfully login to your workspace, You will see the same screen in your environment which in the below screenshot.
As you have seen the red mark in the above screenshot, You can click any of these create buttons to create an application in oracle apex.
Step 2:- After Click on the Create button, you have to see the same as in the below screenshot.
As you have seen in an above screenshot, In Oracle APEX 5.1 you can create different types of applications like Desktop Type, Mobile Type, Web sheet Type, and Packaged Type applications but here we are creating a desktop type application so we choose desktop and click on Next Button.
Step 3:- After Click, the Next Button Below screenshot will help you.
As you have seen into an above screenshot with the red mark fill all details after you can directly create an application with creating an application button or if you click on the Next Button then the below screenshot will help you.
Step 4:-After click on the Next button below screenshot will help you.
Step 5:-After Click on the Next button below screenshot will help you.
As you have seen into an above screenshot with red mark fill all details according to you otherwise click on the Next button. Here you can choose your application language, date format data time format, etc.
Step 6:-After click on the Next Button below screenshot will help you.
As you have seen into an above screenshot with the red mark.this is final confirmation if you enter any wrong information then you can click on the back button if all information is right then to click on the create application button and your application is created.
That's all for today, I think (How to Create Application in Oracle APEX) post will helpful for you. If you like the post then comments in the comment box.
If you are facing any problem while creating an application in Oracle APEX then you can watch our Oracle APEX Video Tutorial click here.
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