In this PL/SQL Tutorial, We will explore about the Anonymous Block in PL/SQL.
Before to learn about the anonymous block in PL/SQL. I will suggest to you please check our previous blog( Block Structure in PL/SQL).
In this Blog, we will understand Anonymous Block with the help of some Questions with Answers.
Let’s Start
Question 1:- What is Anonymous Block in PL/SQL?
Which block is not given any name is called Anonymous Block.
Question 2:- Syntax of Anonymous Block
(Declaration Section)---Optional--
(Execution Section)---Necessary---
(Exception Handling Section)---Optional--
Question 3:- Example of Anonymous Block in PL/SQL
V_NAME VARCHAR2 (10):=’PL/SQL Tutorial’;
(Note:-if block have any print statements like dbms_output.put_line('Testing') then Set Serveroutput on Statement always executed before the execution of Block.)
Question 4 :- Why we do create an Anonymous Block in the PL/SQL?
Anonymous Block is used for the testing purposes.
Example 1:-
Let’s understand If you want to add some functionality in your existing code and before adding it to original code you want to test it so you can create anonymous block
if you find correct
result through that block then you can make that block to the Named Block
or that logic used in your existing named block.
Example 2:-
May be both of the above example will help to you for the better
Question 5:- Is Anonymous block is as a database object?
No, Anonymous block does not save as a database object.
Question 6 :- Can we run anonymous block multiple time?
Yes, we can run anonymous block multiple time but with-in one session.
Question 7:- Can we run Named Block in the Anonymous block?
Yes, we can run Named Block in the Anonymous Block
Example:- First we will create a simple procedure which insert empno to the employee table then we call that procedure into the Anonymous Block.
Create or replace insert_data
insert into emp(emp_no) values('100');
insert_data;----this is my procedure name---
May be, The above question and answer will help you for the better understanding about the Anonymous block in PL/SQL with Example.
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