Hello Readers, This is another PLSQL Tutorial blog. In this blog we will discuss Control Statement in Oracle PLSQL.
Control Statements in Oracle PLSQL: Making Decisions in Your Code
Control Statements are elements in a program that controls the flow of program execution.
Let's understand with example, Imagine you're cooking. You follow a recipe, but sometimes you need to make choices. "If" the sauce is too thick, you add water. "For" each ingredient, you measure a specific amount. These choices are like "control statements" in PL/SQL – they help your code make decisions and execute different parts based on conditions.
1. IF Statement
• The "If" King: This is the most basic control statement. It checks if a condition is true.
IF age > 18 THEN
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('You are an adult.');
• Explanation:-
o If the variable "age" is greater than 18, the message "You are an adult." will be displayed.
o If "age" is not greater than 18, nothing happens.
2. CASE Statement
• The "Multiple Choice" Master: When you have more than two choices, the CASE statement is your friend.
WHEN grade = 'A' THEN
bonus := 1000;
WHEN grade = 'B' THEN
bonus := 500;
bonus := 0;
• Explanation:
o If "grade" is 'A', the "bonus" variable gets 1000.
o If "grade" is 'B', the "bonus" gets 500.
o If "grade" is anything else, the "bonus" gets 0.
3. While Loop
• The "Conditional Repeater": This loop checks a condition before each iteration.
WHILE age < 18 LOOP
-- Some code to be executed
age := age + 1;
• Explanation:
o The code within the loop will execute as long as "age" is less than 18.
o In each iteration, the value of "age" is increased by 1.
4. FOR Loop
• The "Counter": This loop is perfect for repeating something a specific number of times.
FOR i IN 1..10 LOOP
-- Some code to be executed
• Explanation:
o The code within the loop will execute 10 times, with the variable "i" taking values from 1 to 10 in each iteration.
That's all for today, I think(Control Statement in Oracle PLSQL) post will be helpful for you. If you like the post then share your view in the comment box.
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