

SQL Tutorial - Difference Between SQL and PL/SQL

Difference Between SQL and PL/SQL in Oracle

In this post I will share to you the basic  difference between SQL and PL/SQL.

SQL is a Structured Query Language while PL/SQL is a Procedural Language/Structured Query Language and also we can say that PL/SQL stands for Procedural language extensions of SQL.

Let's Start Today Topic.
  1. What is SQL?
  2. What is PL/SQL?
  3. Difference Between SQL and PL/SQL

What is SQL?

  1. SQL is a Structured Query Language, which is a query language.It is used to operate the database in different ways.
  2. SQL is a basic language, through which all databases can easily access by command.
  3. SQL is a good standard language for operating the relational database management system.

What is PL/SQL?

  1. PL/SQL is a programming language.
  2. PL/SQL stands for Procedural language extensions of SQL.
  3. PL/SQL use set of command like if-else, for loop, Array and Variables.

Basic Difference Between SQL and PL/SQL in Oracle

  • In SQL, we can execute only one query at a time while PL/SQL can execute multiple select statements.
  • In SQL query not saved in the database while PL/SQL objects stored in the database like functions, procedures.
  • SQL doesn't support Looping and conditional statements while PL/SQL supports looping and conditional statements.
  • SQL always give system error users cannot understand these system errors while PL/SQL we can convert these system errors into a user-friendly error using EXception Handling.
  • SQL doesn't support code reusability while PL/SQL supports code reusability.

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