In this Oracle APEX Tutorial, We will explore the Add Emojis in Oracle APEX.
What is Emojis
In simple terms, Emojis is a digital icon which is used to express emotions. Recently, It is very useful while we are talking to someone.
How to Add Emojis in Oracle APEX Page Item
Let's start, Here I am sharing a few steps which help to add emojis in Oracle APEX page items or text area type page items.
Step 1:- Create a simple page item using Optional-Floating template and add data-meteor-emoji="true" in the custom attributes section. See the below screenshot for a better understanding.
Step 2:- Add a minified version of meteorEmoji.min.js in the JavaScript URL section. Click here to download. See the below screenshot for a better understanding.
Step 3:- Now We have to initialize the emoji picker to execute the following JavaScript in the function and global variable declaration section.
(() => {
new MeteorEmoji()
That's all for today, I think(Add Emojis in Oracle APEX) post will be helpful for you. If you like the post then share your view in the comment box.
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